11- Hosting Site
/Hosting Site
Your website will not function unless you choose and pay for a web host site. This is a remote location that stores where your website will be accessible via the world wide web. In a sense, you rent space on a large remote computer center to hold your website. Your host, the computer where your website files are stored, assigns an address (DNS) for your files to your domain name so that anyone can find your website on the Internet by typing in your domain name.
Choosing A Hosting Site
Here are the types of questions you want to be asking yourself when choosing a web hosting service.
+ Support- Ask yourself what type of support you'll want. I like hosting sites which provide 24/7 free phone support and customer service reps who speak your language. Speedy email support is also a plus. Hosting sites I've used include siteground.com, godaddy.com
+ Website Builder-Some hosting sites offer a website builder tool as a separate add-on. Website builder allows you to design your own website. It's important that you choose a Responsive Design.
+ Responsive Design, this means the format will remain the same when viewing from desktop to mobile phone. However, most people hire a professional to design their site. If you want to do it yourself, Website builder sites usually don't cost a lot of money. Services such as squarespace.com, wordpress and weebly.com, let you make a well-designed, mobile-capable site with minimal technical knowledge.
+ eCommerce- Having this function on your website allows you to have the ability to sell products or services using the internet. Choose a website with this feature as you'll want to make money in the future.