13- Blog


As a business owner it's important to understand how a blog fits into your overall marketing objectives. An active blog tells your customers that your business is alive, well and regularly maintained. Blogging is a way to connect with your audience by sharing personal insights, motivating stories, share experiences, or promote other businesses and products. Each aspect of social media plays a part in staying connected with your audience.  For example, on Twitter you share a sentence, Facebook a paragraph, and a Blog you create a longer message like an article. Vital in terms of search visibility, leads, and sales.

Benefits Of Blogging

+ Increase Your Website Visibility- As you share your blog posts on social media, you increase traffic to your website. Having a website doesn't mean people can easily find you.  Imagine your website is like a store front but all of the lights are off, and there's a CLOSED sign hanging on the door. Each time you blog, post on social media, etc. it's like you're opening the shades, turning the sign to OPEN, switching the lights on, so people can more easily find you online.
+ Show The Personal Side Of Your Business- Your blog posts give you a unique opportunity to share your voice and personality, building up trust and increasing your brand’s likeability.
+ Positioning Yourself & Your Brand As An Expert In Your Field- Blogging allows you to share important industry-related information and insights so that people come to you to learn the latest news, trends, and updates.
+ Increases Leads- The more you blog, the more content you'll have, which leads to more email opt-ins, and more people sharing your content.