2- Build A Brand

Build A Brand
Branding goes far beyond a logo or graphic element. When you think about your brand, it's best to think about your entire customer experience. Your brand is the way your customer perceives you. It determines whether customers join your newsletter, refer you to friends or choose to do business with you. Branding is like a first impression. They say you never get a second chance. Carefully consider if the colors, fonts, words and logo you use appeals to your potential clients and customers. 

Successfully Implement Branding For Your Business

*Start by defining your brand.
*Know specifically why you're in business.
*Consider what is driving your business.
*Clearly define your brand promise. Example,"My customers buy from us because we're the only one that…" The more specific the answer, the clearer your brand promise will be.
*Always consider your branding when communicating with customers.
*Target whom you want to serve.
*Keep your messaging and visual identity professional and consistent.