Emotional Balancing with Essential Oils: A Self-Guided Journey, by Carole Kunkle-Miller, PhD, and Wendy Weaver-Graham, PhD

Emotional Balancing with Essential Oils: A Self-Guided Journey, by Carole Kunkle-Miller, PhD, and Wendy Weaver-Graham, PhD

Emotional Balancing with Essential Oils is a unique, self-exploration journal. It improves insight into personal feelings and applies specific oils to various emotional states. Additional information is offered for mental health clinicians who want to supplement treatments with essential oils—and use the oils themselves during stressful days.

This book will empower both new and experienced essential oil users. It is an important contribution to the wellness and mental health fields.

Interpreting Your Blood Work: How to Read it, and Natural Ways to Improve Your Results by Daniel T. Wagner, PHarmD

Interpreting Your Blood Work: How to Read it, and Natural Ways to Improve Your Results by Daniel T. Wagner, PHarmD

Your doctor has ordered blood tests, but do you know how to understand the results? In this book, Dr. Dan gives you an A to Z listing of blood tests, what they measure, meanings of highs and lows, indicators of false highs and lows, and how to improve your results through nutrition and natural supplementation. An appendix also groups tests together by general body functions and conditions. This is an indispensable guide for fully participating in your own health care.

Everyday Cooking with Essential Oils, by Ruthi Bosco, Barbara Jay, and Lori Rothschild

Everyday cooking with Essential oils  presents over 150 enticing recipes using essential oils! Signature creations include Strawberry Lime Fruit Dip, Honey Mustard Dressing, Summer Vegetable Stacks, Honey Roasted Chicken, Pumpkin Apple Bread, Mini Lime Cheesecakes, and Nutella Orange Sandwich Cookies. Cooking hints throughout help you transition to using essential oils in everyday meal preparation. Also features a compilation of measurement substitutions, equivalency charts, calorie counts, cooking terms, and other references! 

Author Information: Created And Compiled By Ruthi Bosco, Barbara Jay, And Lori Rothschild

Inspire: Women's Stories of Accomplishment, Encouragement and Influence

Inspire: Women's Stories of Accomplishment, Encouragement and Influence features myself and 24 Empowering Stories From Inspired Women.

This inspirational book includes insightful wisdom from women who've accomplished big goals, despite significant challenges. These influential women inspire others to overcome any obstacle that comes their way. This book is dedicated to women everywhere whose accomplishments will influence others and make a difference in the world.

I can autograph you a copy.