Congratulations to Our Participants!
We are so happy to see the hard work you've all put in to doing this challenge! It takes a lot of work and dedication. Even if you only did one week, we congratulate you for your efforts! We've gotten lots of good feedback about the benefits of the challenge to the participants. You have really seen some awesome growth on your teams!
We want to hear your successes! What did the Challenge do for you? What kind of rank advancement did you achieve? What results did you see on your team? On your ability to share with others? What benefits did you get from the books? What didn't you like? Please post your thoughts on Facebook.
With the end of this challenge, we recommend you continue the habits, read empowering books, and continue to grow. Just as importantly, encourage your teams to do the same. The challenge concept is great for EVERYONE, and especially for new business builders who need a system to follow. But people will not likely do it without some strong encouragement. So we will leave this site up with modifications to allow people to enter the challenge at any moment and start their 90-day process of success habit formation. Tell all your new builders to join the challenge! The creators of have implemented the 90-day challenge into the website at It has a great format, but I am concerned that without the weekly format people might fall off the wagon or just do the steps quickly without really implementing habits long-term. But please let us know your thoughts and let us know if you want support or have questions about future steps.
Thanks again for all you do!
Grand Prize: Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
2nd Place: Jourdan Boynton
Tie for 3rd Place: Jessica Faith Wells
Tie for 3rd Place: Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
5th Place: Pam Gourlie
6th Place: Rebecca Fronk
Registered for the CHALLENGE
Amber Nelson
Amy & Charlie Widmer
Amy Keaton
Amy Stephens
Ann Dunham
Anne Hamilton
Becky Sanchez
Brent Cindrick
Carolyn Roberts
Celina Dietrich
Colleen Lynch
David Meyer
Debbie Heneghan
Denise Riley-Ajanwachuku
Diane Walton
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Faye Silver
Heather Smith
Jessica Faith Wells
Josh Connell
Jourdan boynton
Julie Margo
Kathleen Wilcox
Linda Sage
Linda Wittig
Lisa Quinn
Lori Rothschild
Lynn Wagner
Lynne Castle
Mary DeLuca
Melody Nowak
Michelle McVaney
Pam Gourlie
Patricia Rutkoski
Rebecca Fronk
Rebecca Schmaus
Sarah Caskey
Stacey Abbe
Tatiana Bennett
Teresa Linkous
Reverend Tod Foster
Ursula Lesic
Week 12 Total
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Jessica Faith Wells
Jourdan Boynton
Rebecca Fronk
Pam Gourlie
Lisa Quinn
Week 11 Total
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Jourdan Boynton
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Jessica Faith Wells
Pam Gourlie
Sarah Caskey
Rebecca Fronk
Kathi Wilcox
Lisa Quinn
Lynn Wagner
Week 10 Total
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Pam Gourlie
Jessica Faith Wells
Jourdan Boynton
Rebecca Fronk
Sarah Caskey
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Week 9 Total
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Jourdan Boynton
Jessica Faith Wells
Pam Gourie
Sarah Caskey
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Rebecca Fronk
Lynn Wagner
Week 8 Total
Jourdan Boynton
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Pam Gourlie
Jessica Faith Wells
Amy & Charlie Widmer
Sarah Caskey
Lynne Castle
Lisa Quinn
Week 7 Total
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Pam Gourlie
Jourdan Boynton
Amy & Charlie Widmer
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Jessica Faith Wells
Rebecca Fronk
Lisa Quinn
Sarah Caskey
Kathi Wilcox
Lynn Wagner
Week 6 Total
Jessica Faith Wells
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Jourdan Boynton
Amy and Charlie Widmer
Pam Gourlie
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Sarah Caskey
Lisa Quinn
Rebecca Fronk
Talia Wight
Josh Connell
Lynn Wagner
Week 5 Total
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Rebecca Fronk
Jessica Faith Wells
Pam Gourlie
Jourdan Boynton
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Amy & Charlie Widmer
colleen lynch
Josh Connell
Sarah Caskey
Lynne Castle
Talia Wight
Anne Hamilton
Lynn Wagner
Week 4 Total
Jourdan Boynton
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Pam Gourlie
Amy & Charlie Widmer
Jessica Faith Wells
Sarah Caskey
Denise Riley-Ajanwachuku
Rebecca Fronk
Kathi Wilcox
colleen lynch
Diane Walton
Tatiana Bennett
Josh Connell
Lynn Wagner
Anne Hamilton
Talia Wight
Week 3
Tatiana Bennett
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Amy & Charlie Widmer
Diane Walton
Jourdan Boynton
Becky Sanchez
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
colleen lynch
Jessica Faith Wells
Pam Gourlie
Week 2
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Michelle McVaney and Christina Peters
Jourdan Boynton
Amy & Charlie Widmer
Tatiana Bennett
Colleen Lynch
Jessica Faith Wells
Pam Gourlie
Sarah Caskey
Kathi Wilcox
Week 1
Celina Dietrich
Elizabeth Halliday-Reynolds
Diane Walton
Michelle McVaney
Becky Sanchez
Amy Widmer
Tatiana Bennett
Jourdan Boynton
Colleen Lynch
Jessica Faith Wells