Welcome to the 90-day Empowerment Challenge!
Join our 90-day challenge today and help others experience the natural health benefits and financial peace of mind that comes from owning your own doTerra business. The 90-day Challenge will help you get started in the right direction!
Welcome to the team! With doTERRA we have experienced amazing results in our own health and are grateful that we now have the opportunity to serve and empower you with tools to discover your path to true wellness.
Take the Challenge
Learn to share, live and build in powerful ways over the next 90 days. We've put together a FUN and FOCUSED program to help you develop productive habits that will keep you and your team moving forward.
Freedom means different things to different people. For some, it means not having to work a part-time job. For others, it means owning your own jet. At doTERRA, the possibilities are endless. There are 12 Levels of Freedom, or Ranks as you grow in doTERRA.