Week 10: "Nurture"
Don't get bogged down in all of the "busy-ness." This is a relationship business, so your business is only as strong as the relationships in it. Take time to nurture them.
*Be sure to fill out the form at the bottom of the page, recording what you have accomplished this week*
Daily Success Habits
As your daily habits turn into weeks, you will see the actualization of the goals you set by incorporating these success habits into your life. Listed below are the activities that you will do throughout the week to earn points.
2 New Contacts (2 pts/day)
Use (1 pt/day)
2 Follow-Ups (2 pts/day)
Team Support Calls (2 pts/day)
Personal Development (1 pt/day)
Weekly Success Habits
Host a Class (5 points/class) *receive 2 extra points for having at least 4 attendees!
Teach a Class (10 points/class)
New Enrollments over 100 PV (5 points each)
Mentor call with up line Mentor (5 points)
Listen to this week's Conference Call (5 points) - Listen Here
*one on ones count as a new contact, follow-up or enrollment*
Watch the following videos from doTERRAPro.com.
The Law of the Harvest (1 pt)
Why Invest in Your Team (1 pt)
Get the tools you need to grow.
Replenish anything you are out of (1 pt)
Supplies for class demonstrations (1 pt)
Cards or small gifts to send to team members (1 pt)
Welcome Brochures (1 pt)
Identify your key builders and leaders (1 pt)
Complete upline mentor call (3 pts)
Have a mentor call with your front line leader(s). (3 pts total)
Deliver the "Welcome Brochure" to every personal enrollment who hasn't received one yet (3 pts each)
Take your personal enrollments to an event (3 pts each)
Do the following belief activity... (3 pts)
Your Belief Level
If you are unhappy with any of the results or outcomes in your life, don't just look to your "Actions" to figure out what you should "DO" differently to change your results. To truly change course, you must examine your beliefs.
Here's how it works: New data passes through your filter of life's experiences. How you choose to see it becomes your BELIEF. Your belief influences your attitude with a positive or negative charge that plays out in your actions, which are just physical manifestations of a positive or negative attitude. Those actions produce results, and the collection of those results define your life.
Rate your belief level and then choose a recommended book or resource to work on your belief. Earn your 3 pts after you have completed at least one. Start with your weakest belief, then work on your next weakest belief, and so on.
1. The Products 1 2 3 4 5 (Continuing Ed, Modern Essentials Book, etc)
2. The Company 1 2 3 4 5 (doterrapro.com/create, etc)
3. The Opportunity 1 2 3 4 5 (45 Second Presentation, Learning the Business, Beach Money, etc)
4. Your Team 1 2 3 4 5 (Making the First Circle Work, etc)
5. Yourself 1 2 3 4 5 (Self Acceptance Project, etc)
(low) (High)
Be present. See the leadership potential in everyone. Enjoy the journey. Write 3 things you love about your doTERRA business and why. (3 pts)
Extra Credit! Read the first half of "Making the First Circle Work" by Randy Gage (3 pts)
All recommended books can be found and purchased from the Resources page.