The essential oils have a mission. dōTERRA knows where the company is going.  Do you know where you're going and what you want your end results to be?  Simple clarity about your path in doTERRA will make all the difference in your results.

Listed below are challenges that you will want to complete throughout the week to jumpstart your experience with doTERRA.  Have fun!

*Be sure to fill out the form at the bottom of the page, recording what you have accomplished this week*

Daily Success Habits

As your daily habits turn into weeks, you will see the actualization of the goals you set by incorporating these success habits into your life.  Listed below are the activities that you will do throughout the week to earn points.  

  • 2 New Contacts (2 pts/day)

  • Use (1 pt/day)

  • 2 Follow-Ups (2 pts/day)

  • Team Support Calls (2 pts/day)

  • Personal Development (1 pt/day)

Weekly Success Habits

  • Host a Class (5 points/class)

  • Teach a Class (10 points/class) *receive 2 extra points for having at least 4 attendees!

  • New Enrollments over 100 PV (5 points each)

  • Mentor call with up line Mentor (5 points)

  • Listen to this week's Recorded Call (5 points) Listen Here

  • *one on ones count as a new contact, follow-up or enrollment*


Learn about doTERRA, where they're going, and their mission.
Watch the following videos from


The tools you need to visualize your success.

  • Calendar pages:  Month and Year (1 pt)

  • Supplies you need for a vision board (poster board, magazines, etc) (1 pt)

  • WHY Worksheet (1 pt)


Take the time to identify your personal mission, and where you are going with the doTERRA opportunity.

  • Complete the WHY Worksheet (1 pt)

  • Create a vision board with your goals and dreams (1 pt)

  • Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) (1 pt)

  • Write your goals on your Calendar Pages:  Month and Year (1 pt)


Be visionary.  Give yourself permission to dream big.  Be committed.  Give yourself at least 1 full year using the Success System to see big progress.  Those who commit to 2-4 years experience lasting success. 

  • Share your WHY statement with our Facebook group (3 pts)

  • Share a picture of you with your vision board with our Facebook group (3 pts)

  • Share your S.M.A.R.T goals with our Facebook group (3 pts)

Extra Credit!  Read "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen over the next three weeks. (Receive 3 pts for sharing a take-away from your reading this week with our Facebook group).