Week 7: "Present"
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"
-Wayne Gretzky
*Be sure to fill out the form at the bottom of the page, recording what you have accomplished this week*
Daily Success Habits
As your daily habits turn into weeks, you will see the actualization of the goals you set by incorporating these success habits into your life. Listed below are the activities that you will do throughout the week to earn points.
2 New Contacts (2 pts/day)
Use (1 pt/day)
2 Follow-Ups (2 pts/day)
Team Support Calls (2 pts/day)
Personal Development (1 pt/day)
Weekly Success Habits
Host a Class (5 points/class) *receive 2 extra points for having at least 4 attendees!
Teach a Class (10 points/class)
New Enrollments over 100 PV (5 points each)
Mentor call with up line Mentor (5 points)
Listen to this week's Conference Call (5 points) - Listen Here
*one on ones count as a new contact, follow-up or enrollment*
Learn how to present effectively. Watch the following videos from doTERRAPro.com.
Medicine Cabinet Makeover and Nature's Medicine Cabinet (2 pts)
How to Present (1 pt)
How to do a 3-way call (1 pt)
Get the tools you need to present effectively.
Class Planner (1 pt)
Class Sign-In (1 pt)
3-5 Enrollment Folders: Enrollment Kits (doterrapro.com) or (nature's medicine cabinet), Product Order Form, Enrollment Forms(doterrapro.com) or (nature's medicine cabinet) (1 pt)
Basic Oils to Teach With (wild orange, peppermint, lavendar, frankincense, etc) (1 pt)
Tear Pad: Medicine Cabinet Makeover or Nature's Medicine Cabinet (1 pt)
You're all ready to teach!
Prepare by using the Class Planner (1 pt)
Host/Teach classes (2 extra pts per class this week)
Review your WHY and 90 day goals (1 pt)
Invite with boldness. Share your closing invitation with our group (3 pts)
ie: "I invite you to begin today to bring these oils into your home" or "I invite you to look through each of these options and decide which is best for you and bring these tools into your life today." or "It is time for you to consider what's best for you and your family, by choosing the kit that best meets your needs, and start enjoying the peace that comes from living a lifestyle of safe, and affordable healthcare."
Be dynamic. Be vulnerable. Connect with your audience. Be interesting. Share stories.
Think of 3 of your favorite presenters, write what you think they do well, and integrate it into your presentations. (3 pts)
Extra Credit! Read the second half of "Jackrabbit Factor" by Leslie Householder. Share with our facebook group something you learned from your reading. (3 pts)
Full Reading List:
Weeks 1-3 "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen
Weeks 4-5 "Beach Money" by Jordan Adler
Week 6-7 "Jackrabbit Factor" by Leslie Householder
Week 8 "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill
Weeks 9-10 "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson
Weeks 11 "Making the First Circle Work" by Randy Gage
Week 12 "Learning the Business" by Michael Clouse