Back To The Basics of Health Care

Getting Back To The Basics: It is no secret that our current healthcare system is broken. Although many technological advances in science and medicine have been made in the past century, our modern society, particularly in North America, is collectively one of the sickest populations in history. People from all walks of life are beginning to question conventional wisdom as they wonder if there is a better way.

Here is your chance to learn from Dr. Len Brancewicz, a leading Naturopathic Research Doctor and Aromatherapist who will be sharing his very valuable knowledge with us. He will be presenting an insightful program about how we, as a society, got here, and how to reverse the spiral using a holistic approach. Full of great science and facts, Dr. Brancewicz' information will be a perfect dovetail to the message of essential oil use in relation to the natural wellness philosophy.

Additionally, there will be a panel discussion on men and essential oil use, a healthy lunch, and a prize raffle.

Please plan to join us on Saturday, April 22 from 10:00am to 1:00pm in Pittsburgh, PA for this workshop.

Space is limited!
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