16- How A Newsletter Creates A Buzz

The purpose of a Newsletter is to allow readers to find out more about new topics found on your websites, blogs, etc. It should share the latest news without overwhelming the reader with a lot of content. This is your chance to build a relationship with the reader. Send each newsletter out with some kind of promotion tied to one of your products or services.


+ Cost-effective- Email marketing is very cost efficient, especially when you compare it to offline marketing that requires printing and sending costs.
+ Create & Maintain Relationships- An effective email Newsletter helps you stay in touch with your readers as it creates a unique opportunity to connect one-on- one with consumers. Sharing usefulinformation about your products or services will establish you as an expert on the topic.
+ Increases website traffic- A regular Newsletter emailed to your list with a link to your website will attract new customers which brings more business.
+ Increase in sales- By sending consistent, regular messages to your email list, you create more opportunity for people to buy from you.

What To Post On Your Newsletter

+Company News – People like reading about the success of your business (awards, nominations) and anything that happens inside your company (employee recognition, birthdays, fun event, etc). Don’t forget to include photos.
+Your Blog – If you have a business blog that is updated on a regular basis then this is a great type of content for your Newsletter.
+Quiz – Create a quiz in your newsletter from time-to-time. The quiz results can also act as a powerful base for future content creation.
New Products – Let your readers know about newservices or products.
+Offers – Share special offers with loyal newsletter readers. They will appreciate these exclusive offers and product promotions featured on your website that are shared only through your newsletter.

Here’s a list of popular email marketing platforms I’ve worked with.

+ MailChimp
+ Constant Contact
+ Aweber

Start thinking of what content you would like to include in your first Newsletter.