14- Before Going Live With Your Website

You are now ready to make your website LIVE! When you're getting a new website up and running, there's plenty of possibility for error, so it pays to make sure you've done everything right. Frequent reviews with impartial eyes will make your site the best it can be.


+ Proofread- Read everything once and have a friend/colleague read it. Make sure your words are succinct, clear, and grammatically correct.
+ Browse- Check your website name on all web browsers — something that looks fine in Internet Explorer may look disastrous in Firefox, and vice-versa.
+ Links- Don’t just assume all your links work. Click on them. You may often forget to add “http://” to links to external websites. Make sure your logo links to the home page, a common mistake.
+ Images- Check that all your images are consistent in quality and size.